How to Propagate Snake Plant Like a Pro: From One to Many


If you are looking for how to propagate snake plant then your search ends here. Snake plants, also known as Sansevieria or mother-in-law’s tongue, are well-known indoor plants for their air-purifying properties and low maintenance. Knowing how to propagate a snake plant, growing new plants from the mother plant, is one of the most exciting parts of owning one. This complete guide will walk you through the step-by-step process of successfully propagating snake plants, allowing you to grow your indoor garden and share these gorgeous plants with others.

How to Propagate Snake Plant

Understanding Snake Plant Propagation

The process of making new plants from old ones is called propagation. There are a few ways to propagate snake plants from one to many, such as rhizome separation, division, and leaf cutting. Now we will try to understand each method in a very simple way so that you can decide which one is best for you.

Tools and Materials You’ll Need

Before we go into the propagation method, where we will know how to propagate snake plants, please pick up the following materials:

1. Healthy Snake Plant: Make sure your mother plant is mature and healthy because it will be the source of new plants.

2. Sharp knife or Pruning Shears: Are used to make clean cuts during the propagation process.

3. Potting Mix: A potting mix suitable for succulents or cactus that drains nicely.

4. Small Pots: To plant the new snake plant pups or cuttings.

5. Optional Rooting Hormone: Increase the growth of roots (recommended for leaf cuttings).

6. Containers for Division: If you choose the division method.

snake plant propagation

Propagation Methods

A. Leaf Cuttings

Step 1: Select a Healthy Leaf

Choose a snake plant leaf that is at least 2-3 inches long and healthy. Use a knife or a pair of sharp pruning shears to cut it close to the base.

Step 2: Allow the Cutting to Dry

Place the cutting in a dry, shaded spot for a few days to allow the cut end to callus. When planting, this helps to avoid root rot.

Step 3: Plant the Cutting

Plant your dried cutting in a small pot with well-draining potting soil. For better and faster root growth, apply rooting hormone to the cut end before planting.

Step 4: Care for the Cutting

Place the pot in a shady area where direct sunlight will not come, and maintain the potting soil just slightly damp enough (moist) to hold water. You will notice new roots growing from the cuttings within a few weeks or months, and a new snake plant will start to grow.

How to Propagate Snake Plant – Video Tutorial for You

B. Division

Step 1: Take out the Mother Plant from the Pot.

Without damaging any of the roots, carefully take out the mother plant from the pot.

Step 2: Separate the Plant

Ensure that each section of the snake plant has healthy leaves and roots before cutting it into smaller pieces. You may need pruning shears or a sharp knife for this.

Step 3: Plant the Divisions

Plant them all separately after filling each container with well-drained soil. Then lightly water them and set them in a shaded area away from bright sunlight.

C. Rhizome Separation

Q. What is a Rhizome?

A rhizome is a horizontal underground plant stem which is capable of forming the shoot and root systems of a new plant.

Step 1: Remove the Mother Plant

Similar to the division method, carefully take out the mother plant from its pot.

Step 2: Separate the Rhizomes

Separate the rhizomes gently, making sure that each one has roots and leaves attached.

Step 3: Plant the Rhizomes

Plant each rhizome part in its own container with well-draining soil, lightly water them, and place them in a shady area next to a sunny spot.

General Care Tips for Propagated Snake Plants

1. Light: For the newly propagated plants, provide bright, indirect sunlight. Although snake plants are strong and can survive in low-light conditions, they prefer indirect sunlight.

2. Watering: Allow the soil to dry before watering. Because excess water can rot the roots of the plants, don’t make mistakes in terms of watering your propagated snake plants.

3. Temperature: Maintain a room temperature of between 70 and 90 degrees Fahrenheit (21-32 degrees Celsius). Because snake plants are sensitive to cold temperatures.

4. Fertilization: During the growing season (spring and summer), fertilize lightly, usually once a month, with a balanced liquid fertilizer mixed to half strength.

5. Repotting: As your snake plant pups grow, you may need to repot them into larger containers every 2-3 years.

Snake Plant Care Tips


Snake plant propagation can be an enjoyable and satisfying experience for indoor gardeners. Following these steps and providing the proper care will result in healthy, growing snake plant offspring, no matter whether you choose leaf cuttings, division, or rhizome separation. Your collection of these lovely and air-purifying houseplants will grow quickly if you have patience and pay close attention to all the details. Good luck with your propagation!


Q1. How much time does it take to propagate a Snake Plant?

The timescale will vary, but you should see roots from leaf cuttings in around 2-4 weeks. When you find the division propagation procedure, you will have a new, independent plant.

Q2. What is the ideal season to propagate a Snake Plant?

While Snake Plants are fairly hardy and may be grown practically any time of year, the optimal season is typically between spring and early fall.

Q3. Why are my Snake Plant cuttings failing to root?

There could be several causes, ranging from overwatering and planting the cuttings upside down to a lack of suitable light. Follow the propagation instructions carefully, step by step, and be patient, as propagation can take time.

Q4. Can a Snake Plant be propagated from a leaf?

You absolutely can. The variegation of the mother plant may not be retained in new plants that are grown from a leaf, so keep that in mind.

Q5: What is causing my recently propagated Snake Plant to wilt?

It’s possible that overwatering, a lack of light, or a pot with poor drainage are responsible for your new plant’s wilting.

Q6: Is it possible to propagate Snake Plants in water?

Yes, it is possible to grow snake plant leaf cuttings in water. Just place the cut end in water until roots grow, then plant them in soil.

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How to Propagate Snake Plant Like a Pro: From One to Many